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BEYOND Cosmic Chakra
  • BEYOND Cosmic Chakra


    Be BEYOND: Cosmic Chakra Mist



    Zodiac: Aquarius

    Visualize cosmic gold (Divine Heavens - the energy of the Beyond) 



    This chakra is located above the spirit chakra. It is the expanse or the BEYOND. The quantum field of love, the heavens. The Galactic/Cosmic Chakra allows for communication with other realms and the Divine. It is associated with advancing the development of spiritual skills, including manifestation and alchemizing energy.


    Beyond you are grounded and inspired, spirit in matter. You have faith in the universe, a pervasive peace. Relax and surrender to the universe. Give your needs to spirit. Dream your dreams awake. Hold the expansive frequency of abundance beyond wealth and healing beyond health. Past trauma and future anxiety are dissolved as you re-pattern your life with conscious energy - the frequency of love. Manifest miracles.



    In me spirit and matter, heaven and earth, are one. 


    Ritual: Recall a dream or imagery from a waking dream and let yourself be guided through the images. Enter the dream. What are you being shown? What symbolism emerges. Imagine beyond.

    • 4 fl oz

      Our MISTS are a Divine blend of flower, gemstone and plant essences combined with therapeutic essential oils and infused in water. Energized with sacred elemental properties, sound and ritual, they balance your personal aura and auric space. Real Crystals amplify the energy.

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